Thursday, 11 March 2010

The death and Reincarnation of Pink Floyd

This is Pink Floyd.
My husband bought this during college from a grandma. I guess she gave him the matching curtains as a bonus when he bought it. Thankfully he didn't keep those.

Very soon after we were married we put this denim cover on it. This is the only picture I have of the blue cover on the couch. I really didn't want to do another upholstery job after the other red couch we did. Erick started the process before I could snap a picture. AND, he did most of the work on this couch! No joke. (sorry I got a little 80's lingo in me)I just found these videos of us working on them. I guess it might give you a little insight into the life of people who reupholster furniture...or it might just give you a little insight into me.

The night those videos were taken (which was back in JUNE 2009-YIKES) we basically finished the entire couch. We only had 2 steps left. Seriously. two. But, since it was totally functional and the last two steps were the boring ones, it sat in our living room for n.i.n.e. months unfinished. Most people didn't even realize it wasn't finished unless we pointed it out to them. So there it sat. Looking mostly like this, except without the cute pillows. We kept the nasty, Pink Floyd original cushions on it for a while.
notice the arm rests and the bottom piece

Then I found these pillows at Costco. I'd thought of making my own, but hadn't gotten around to it and for $7 bucks they could totally finished. So I picked them up. I think it was definitely worth it since the pillows are what actually motivated us to finally finish.
They went perfect with the couch, the decorative wall art and the curtains. I think they bring the whole thing together.

Then last week we took the plunge and spent 2 hours finishing this

and this

And now we have two matching red couches.


  1. Ha ha! Hi Eric! I'd love to see some photos of your whole, beeyouteeful living room, with both matching red couches. You guys are so awesome.

  2. Awesome! You are so talented! Your living room looks beautiful!!

  3. I LOVE that wall art you guys made! I think I need to invest in a scroll saw now!

  4. We featured you over at All Things Thrifty! Great job on your wall art and reupholstering projects! Feel free to grab at "featured" button and wear it proudly if you like!

  5. I remember that couch well in fact I think I was the one who convinced Erick to get it. I love what you did with it and your wall is awesome now maybe I can be inspired to put something on my huge empty wall.

  6. Wow! I found your blog from another one--you know how that goes. Amazing! Do you have a tutorial or know of any? We have some ugly granny couches, too:)
    Great job!
