Sunday, 11 April 2010


square foot gardening that is

We got our square foot garden all complete last night. I have never been more excited about a garden! Now all we have to do is water and wait. Did you notice I didn't say weeding? We will be doing very, very little of that. (oh did I mention how excited I am about that?!)

Our backyard is tiny to say the least. (the picture above is basically our entire backyard, minus 10') But, using this SFG technique we were able to plant:

butternut squash
hubbard squash
spaghetti squash
3 tomato plants
2 pepper plants
green beans
sugar snap peas
4 cucumber plants
honeydew melon
romain lettuce
and a mixture of other flowers

All that in 30 sq/ft. I am ecstatic!! (you probably couldn't tell)

I'm sure our neighbors think we're off our rocker, but oh well. We'll just have to drop off some fresh produce to persuade them we're not that weird.


  1. Looks great! We're still undecided about our garden plans. We've loved having them in the past...but we're hoping Eric will have a permanent job come the fall which could mean moving over the knows...
    --Polly :)

  2. Wow, I love the raised beds. You can let the kids play, and still grow a garden! Be sure to post some photos along the way - it would be cool to watch the garden grow with monthly photos.

  3. I am LOVING that! We're in the process of planning and putting in our garden, and the visual was perfect. This is something that I kind of envision as well...I may just have to email you or call you for specifics. Good work!

  4. A girl after my own heart. I did SFG back in the 80's when the first book came out. We loved it! I'm in a new home now, however, and we have deer walking through daily....soooo I have to be very careful what I plant. :) I'm also an avid seed-starter, but I grow mostly flowers (deer-resistant ones!)
