So, to cover the nakedness of the windows, I made these curtain panels. They match the red couch I'm recovering (I mean the couch that has 2 steps left to finish and it's been that way for the last 6 months, YIKES) perfectly! I love the height it adds to the room and the splash of color too.
This is just a sneak peek! I'm working on hanging some things up, getting a few lamps, tables, plants, mantle pieces etc....that's coming soon. Real. soon. (i hope).
p.s. did I mention I got this fabric 60% off?!! I was excited!
Oh I can't wait to see it all finished! And your couch too, hurry up and get it done :). I love the fabric for your curtains, I've been wanting to do some forever but am too cheap, but 60% off could sure convince me!