Monday, 30 November 2009


Well, all good things must come to an end, even the blessed month of November. And with that comes the end of the contest I'm so THANKFUL (I finally finished that). I must admit, I'm a little disappointed in myself because I got hung up on a few project 'snags' and didn't accomplish nearly as much as I had hoped. But that also might be due to a terrible obsession habit I have of making lists longer than are even humanly possible to complete. Oh well. I did get a lot done even if I didn't get all of it done.
I was also sorta sad that only 4 people actually entered the contest. Maybe I shouldn't write that publically on my blog, but it's true. So, instead of being sad about it, I'd love your feedback so that in the future I can do better. What do you think I could have done different to stimulate more participation? In hind sight I think one thing I could have done different is to just say leave a comment with a link showing a project you got done. Maybe people think it is too difficult to email? I did that hoping to make things a little more personal...but perhaps it was too much effort? Too weird for strangers? If you have any ideas I would love to hear them--Leave a comment.
Okay, enough said.

I numbered the enteries as from 1 to 4. Number 1 (Melissa), 2 (Katie), 3(Nola), 4(Abby).

On to the winner....

True Random Number Generator 3 Powered by RANDOM.ORG


Congratulations! I'll email you to get measurements and so you can choose your fabric etc.


  1. It was a great idea, however, the main problem is at this time of year everyone who crafts must be a similar situation. They are running round like headless chickens trying to get their handmade gifts done. I know the last thing I wanted to do was drag out something that had waited a while and could afford to wait until after the gifts were all finished. Maybe it would have been better scheduled for the Spring as a kind of Spring Clean feature.

    Just my thoughts on why I didn't enter.

  2. Although I personally loved how you posted about each entry, I think the idea of people leaving a link to their projects is a great plan and might get more people to enter. Less work for you too! I agree that maybe the time of year had something to do with it. The contest itself was a brilliant idea, and I'm sure if you hosted another one in the spring the results might be different.
    p.s. I'm so mad I didn't win! I really wanted a new skirt :(.

  3. I planned on entering! I just got too busy and didn't get my project done (that dang crib bumber I keep pretending I might actually finish before my baby's here). So it's not even close, but I'm working on it. I think a different time of year, spring, summer, would maybe get more participation just because the holidays can be so busy!

  4. I feel pretty good about not winning since I didn't really follow the rules and e-mail you summaries and pictures and everything like I was supposed to. Congratulations Nola! And thanks for hosting this Jen! It was fun to finish some things! :)

  5. Yeah I am so excited I won! I do have to say the timing was rough. I almost didn't get the entry in because we were traveling to WY. I love the idea of doing it as a Spring Cleaning contest.
