Saturday, 24 October 2009

Welcome to earth baby Landon

I threw a baby shower for my friend. I absolutely love doing stuff like this (even though if you saw me right before you might think otherwise. It seems like I somehow always think there will be more time than there actually is-oh well, it still turned out great) I made Martha Stewart's tissue paper pom poms, so easy and fun. The yellow one on the right was an experiment with shaping the paper different...I'm still not sure what I think about it.
Sorry there aren't better pictures or even more, but like I said, I always think there will be more time than there is and somehow there never seems to be time to have everything perfectly ready like you want and take pictures...maybe someday I'll get it.
For a game I filled baby bottles with 5 ounces of water and we had a drinking contest to see who could drink the fastest. That was hard! It was also funny. So, welcome to the world little Landon. It was fun celebrating your birth!

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